Recycling Water & WastewaterApproximately 60% of the total water demand is reused
GRI 303: Water and waste water; 306: Water and waste.UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), No 6: Clean water and sanitary facilities
Waste consumption reduced drastically since 2010
EVVA’s headquarters are located in a water conservation area, so the sustainable use of this resource is important to us. We require water for production processes that have not yet been converted to clean production, i.e., currently for 25% of the production facilities, as well as galvanising (Surface treatment of products) and personal hygiene. EVVA continuously reduced water consumption at its headquarters in order to conserve this resource as best as possible. In 2010, EVVA consumed 7,153 m3 of water, in 2019 only 4,031 m3.
EVVA has therefore succeeded in reducing water consumption by more than a third since 2010 through wastewater recovery and optimisation measures. In concrete terms, this means that 1.5 litres of drinking water are saved for every EVVA locking cylinder used by our trading partners and customers – with an average new system size of 100 cylinders, this is already 150 litres of drinking water!
However, the target of reducing water consumption by a further 15% compared to 2019 could not be achieved due to the structural expansion of the headquarters, higher electroplating throughputs and higher sales growth. In future, EVVA will not refer to an absolute key figure, but to a relative one.
Reduced freshwater consumption
Amount of water consumed per hour of attendance
Reasons for water savings of the past years:
The vacuum evaporator in EVVA's productionEVVA is using more and more Clean Production machines that do not require water
More efficient production and water treatment processes in galvanizing (for the surface treatment of our products). Compared to 2020, the nickel-containing wastewaters also decreased by 20% to 1,648 kg. This was made possible, among other things, by a new modern wastewater plant.
New valves in the shower/washing facilities, which regulate the water supply in a more resource-efficient way.
A vacuum evaporator fully treats the galvanising wastewaters and returns them to the production cycle. That is, only the wastewaters form personal hygiene (sinks, showers, toilets) flow into the public sewage system, not the wastewaters from galvanising – these are completely recycled through the vacuum evaporator!
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