Schließsystem in Wohnhausanlage

Residential properties

Residential properties | Single and multi-household properties

Access to back door gate, front door, garage and the letter box using just one key. A simple task in an EVVA master key system. That's not only practical, but also saves costs. EVVA also offers countless supplementary security devices to boost protection from burglaries. Your EVVA specialist retailer is happy to help.

Your requirements:


  • One for all because you as the property owner would like to gain access to the front door, garage and back door gate with only one key
  • Security because you want to make sure no one but you can reproduce keys
  • Flexibility, because gardening and cleaning staff as well as grandma and friends are provided with keys as part of a straight-forward process 
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Our solution:


Mechanical EPS, ICS, 4KS access systems
grow with the facility and levels of complexity:

  • EPS, ICS, 4KS – reliable security for your home

The electronic AirKey access system

  • The smartphone is the key
  • Send keys via the Internet
  • Online administration

Villa in Madeira

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Product: MCS
Size: 1-100 units
Facility type: Wohnungen und Einfamilienhäuser
Country: Portugal

Highest level of security for residential villas in Funchal (Madeira)

Owners of a luxury villa in Funchal, Madeira, were seeking to satisfy the highest level of security for their holiday residential property. After a thorough analysis and counselling from the company Diplofer, EVVA Partner in Portugal, the end customer opted for MCS (Magnetic Coded System) made by EVVA, our system for highest security requirements, which best met their security requirements.

The customer specially appreciated the 100% protection against illegal copy, which 100% guarantees that any copy in the market has been produced in our factory and under the authorisation of the customer. This way, the end user can sleep peacefully without fearing the intrusion due to lock manipulation.


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Master key systems

EVVA is also a genuine master key system professional able to tackle any levels of complexity in terms of organisational structures and to implement them within the corresponding master key system.

Find out more about our master key systems

We are here for you
Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm

+44 203 007 6060
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