Employee satisfaction Why reliable employers are sustainable
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Defined as key topic for EVVA GRI 401: Employment; 402: Employee-employer relationship; 405: Diversity and equal opportunities; 203: Indirect economic impact UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), No 5: Gender equality; No. 8: Decent working conditions and economic growth; No. 10: Less inequalities
Management approach – our why:

Employer for generations

EVVA has remained a family business throughout its long history. This means that in addition to the necessary profitability, it is always important to EVVA to be a reliable employer. "Put people first" is our vision in human resources - especially in times of increasing digitalisation. Networked thinking and understanding the perspective of others are central prerequisites," says EVVA owner Nicole Ehrlich-Adám.

The economic and social impacts

In the past, a company could choose from many job applications, but today the supply is smaller. The baby boomer generation is retiring, society is getting older and birth rates are declining. The number of people of working age is expected to fall by 10% by 2040 (source: https://www.agentur-jungesherz.de/hr-glossar/fachkraeftemangel-deutschland-analyse-definition-zahlen/).

Without skilled workers, no company can meet the current and future challenges. For example, the aviation industry announced that it was laying off a lot of personnel during the pandemic, which was urgently needed later. Companies that try to stand up for their employees even in times of global crises can address the personnel shortage more successfully.

Countering the labour shortage with high employee satisfaction

The top-rated companies with low turnover, such as EVVA, provide a suitable environment to feel comfortable. But what are the most important satisfaction criteria for employees? According to a study (lifeCREATOR Study 2022), they are secure jobs, a good work atmosphere, trust in personal abilities, and generally trust-building measures. Another, often underestimated aspect that emerges from the study: "Employees wish for leaders who make them feel that they are personally important to the company."

Photo of EVVA CEO talking to employeesEVVA tries to cover these criteria in the best possible way, which is confirmed by the very good satisfaction ratings and the low staff turnover in the company (more on this later). EVVA can score as an attractive employer with in-house training and development, and award-winning apprenticeships, a reliable and shared value system, with a family-friendly, flexible working hours, and much more. The respect for human rights, which has gained a special significance in the GRI Universal Standards and the sustainability standards of the EU, is evident in our company and there have been no violations of any kind (more on this topic under Compliance).


High overall employee satisfaction

EVVA has traditionally had high levels of employee satisfaction. In the last major employee survey at headquarters, the overall satisfaction factor was rated very good at 1.6 on a six-point scale. The same value that was achieved in the penultimate survey. This is better than the benchmark, i.e., the satisfaction levels of employees at other comparable industrial companies, as surveyed by external polling company pluswert.
Chart Overall employee satisfaction EVVA
86% of all employees participated in the survey, a very high international value for internal satisfaction surveys.


To maintain the high overall satisfaction levels of the employees or improve them by the next survey, EVVA address also the themes that were only rated average in the employee survey. These include:

  • Stress/time pressure/workload: Further steps in digitalisation will bring higher-skilled jobs to the production, for example, and reduce monotonous work steps. In addition, EVVA analyses all company processes in detail to identify and eliminate duplicate responsibilities or unnecessary processes. More on this under digitalisation and quality
  • High Potentials: EVVA is doing a lot to not only retain long-serving employees but also to attract highly qualified staff. EVVA is working more closely with external recruiters, approaching appropriate educational institutions directly, and testing new ways in employer branding
  • Cooperation: Although this factor was rated good overall, it is worse in a few departments than in others. Here, the management team has examined the need for action and set specific improvement initiatives, such as organisational changes in departments or the introduction of new dialogue and exchange formats
  • The last employee survey in Germany (Krefeld and Leipzig) also revealed that resources for further education, motivational incentives and knowledge exchange between departments need to be optimised at this subsidiary.



Our company has secured and created new jobs even during economic crises - such as in 2008 or during the coronavirus pandemic. In recent years, EVVA has had the following number of employees:

Employees EVVA Headquarter

Chart Amount EVVA Employees Headquarter

Number of employees by gender and employment relationship, EVVA headquarter in Vienna. All employment relationships are indefinite (except for interns). In addition, EVVA employs around 16 temporary employees per year (11 in R&D, 5 in production).

Amount of new employees EVVA Headquarter

Chart Amount of new EVVA employees


Employees EVVA Group

Chart Amount Employees EVVA Group

Satisfaction as an economic lifeline

Satisfied employees are the prerequisite for satisfied customers, trading partners, and all other stakeholders. If one lacks a positive relationship with their own company, they will not be able to or want to represent the company well. At EVVA, a very positive interrelationship is evident, as shown, for example, by the likewise very appealing results of the last trading partner survey (more details under customer satisfaction).

Low staff turnover

Satisfied employees remain loyal to a company for longer. At EVVA, the annual fluctuation rate is generally very low, in 2022 it was only 6.89% and 2023 it was 7.68%. The fluctuation rate of all companies in Austria is 11%, according to a Deloitte survey, and 22.5% according to Statistic Austria for the economic sector "manufacture of goods" (available figures for 2020); in Germany the turnover of all companies 2022 was 33% (source: https://www.iwd.de/artikel/fluktuation-starke-wirtschaft-fuehrt-zu-mehr-jobwechseln-401583/). This means that the fluctuation rate of EVVA is well below the national average, and it retains the diverse knowledge that makes EVVA a specialist company. As a result, the cost of recruiting and extensive training is manageable. Low staff turnover and comprehensive training increase the competitiveness of the site.

Staff fluctuation at EVVA Headquarter:
Chart Staff fluctuation

Women and technology

EVVA hires according to qualifications, not gender quotas. However, we set important societal impulses to increasingly interest women in technology. For example:

  • Annual Daughter Days, where girls between the ages of 11 and 16 can get to know the company and technical professions and work in the workshops themselves. More under top apprenticing company
  • New profession of security technician, which is specifically targeted at women. In addition, in recent years, EVVA has participated in apprentice fairs. More under top apprenticing company
  • EVVA uses dialogues and company tours to show schoolchildren how exciting a technical profession can be. More under sustainability starts at school
  • Self-produced videos with EVVA technicians who talk about their tasks in research & development, mechanical engineering, etc. They are valuable role models and inspiration for internal and external female applicants.


Different work schedule models

Around 43% of the employees at the EVVA headquarter are women, a promising value for a technology company. To allow women - like men - to better reconcile family and work, EVVA offers different work schedule models.

Number of parental leave / care leave:

Chart Amount of parental leave

Parental leave/Care leave, EVVA Headquarters. 2 employees did not return to EVVA after maternity leave.


Transparent communication

Photo Info breakfast with management

Info breakfasts and info cafés are held several times a year at all EVVA locations. The management personally informs about EVVA's current challenges and strategies. The special feature here is that employees can ask the management difficult questions in a relaxed, informal atmosphere over coffee and cake, they get an answer immediately. They can also bring in their questions via a table speaker. Topics that are close to the heart can thus be clarified first hand.


Employee benefits:

These benefits/privileges apply to all employees at headquarters (full-time and part-time) during the reporting period. They are additional pieces of the puzzle contributing to high satisfaction. Company benefits are also offered at other EVVA locations.

  • Photo EVVA canteen Vienna In-house canteen with chef. 3 menus to choose from every day (incl. vegetarian options). The prices are supported, EVVA covers approx. half of the costs. In 2017, the canteen was relocated and redesigned: with more generous space, new bright seating areas and a cosy atmosphere (see photo).

  • Health lectures by specialists directly in the company. Since 2015 on the topics such as women's health, men's health, dealing with pain & self-help tips, with medicine in the middle – how TCM can help us, No Smoke – tips for quitting smoking, dealing with headaches & migraines.
  • On-site health care. EVVA’s company doctor is available to answer medical questions for several hours a week – also by phone during the coronavirus crisis. They not only provids information, but also measure blood pressure, administer vaccinations, issue prescriptions and referrals for specialists, and treat minor injuries and wounds.
  • Strength and endurance training directly in the house with an external fitness trainer. Until 2022 twice a week with individual support (back, abdomen, cardiovascular system). EVVA covers two thirds of the course fees
  • Vaccination campaigns throughout the year (flu, FSME). EVVA covers the costs of treatment and for the flu vaccination.
  • Internal education and training platform. Find out more under EVVA Academy
  • Photo of a running event with EVVA employees Participation in running events. EVVA encourages employee participation in running events, such as the international Wings for Life Run, Vienna City Marathon, Night Run Wienathlon and Zoolauf. The company covers the start fees and provides t-shirts. EVVA budgets between €6,000 and €8,000 per year for this.
  • New since November 2021: 50% travel allowance for all employees. EVVA covers half of the travel costs for public transport, making a valuable contribution to climate protection as public transport is more environmentally friendly than private motorised transport. And the employees save a lot of costs
  • Own library with 669 professional books for easy borrowing. In addition, free access to an online platform with over 8,000 e-books.
  • Herbs and vegetables can be planted and harvested in the company's own raised beds on the EVVA rooftop terrace.
  • Other benefits:
    > Annual shopping vouchers at Christmas, organic eggs at Easter, doughnuts at carnival, apple sack in autumn

    > Free coffee at the vending machines and refreshments in the summer
    > Various discounts at local businesses

Events for employees:Photo: The employees celebrate 100 years of EVVA

Photo Family Day at EVVA Krefeld

Photo of EVVA RepairCafé "Bicycle"> RepairCafé since 2022: The EVVA RepairCafé is a new networking and sustainability initiative within the company. "Repair instead of throw away" is its motto. The first two events focused on the topic of "bicycles". An experienced employee presented which maintenance and repairs are easily done by oneself and what to look out for: changing tires, patching tubes, cleaning and maintaining chains, fixing problems with brakes, which tools belong in the bike bag, etc. Colleagues from various EVVA divisions took part and many brought their own bikes. Since 2022, EVVA management has provided all EVVA cyclists with a service and repair kit (air pump, multifunctional tool, repair kit, etc.) - to further encourage the use of the bike for the commute to work.

> 2023 the EVVA RepairCafé take place on the topic of ‘Visible Mending’, i.e. how to repair your own clothes creatively and visibly. Experts from RESI Slow Fashion gave the participants lots of practical tips in the workshop

> The last EVVA Family Days took place before the pandemic in Krefeld, Leipzig and Vienna (awarded with Event Award by WEKA Industrie Medien) - a big joint celebration with all employees and their families and friends at EVVA. In the participation stations, children and guests were made aware of sustainability and the UN SDGs (e.g., via the SDG video for children, via plant tours to the clean production machines, etc.)

> Several large anniversary celebrations to mark EVVA's 100th birthday.

> Summer festivities, Christmas parties, World Kindness Day with espresso mobiles and free gourmet coffee, foosball tournament, open wardrobe to swap and give and much more ...

We are here for you
Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm

+44 203 007 6060
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