Customer satisfaction The cornerstone of our economic sustainability
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Defined as key topic for EVVA GRI 413: Local communities; 203: Indirect economic impact UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), No. 8: Decent working conditions and economic growth
Management approach – our why:

Sustainable management involves the careful handling of all three aspects – economic, ecological and social. Customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of economic sustainability, because reliable, profitable business relationships are essential for our stakeholders and our company. From this, we draw the economic strength and staying power for sustainable projects that can stretch over several years. "Customer satisfaction" has therefore been defined as a key topic.

EVVA with high customer satisfaction

A high level of satisfaction creates trust and loyalty. EVVA measures these values in regular large-scale customer surveys. By customers, we mean our thousands of partner companies – such as locksmiths and specialist security stores – that distribute our access products to end customers worldwide. EVVA is also in constant contact with general contractors, architects etc. EVVA was assessed in the survey according to various satisfaction criteria, including the quality of mechanical and electronic security technology, sales support, after-sales service, training, etc. EVVA also achieved a high overall satisfaction rating of 1.76 (on a four-point scale) in the last major survey in 2023, conducted by the independent opinion research institute Integral, while the other companies scored 1.90. Around 450 partners took part – from all European EVVA locations. Overall satisfaction with EVVA is at the same high level as in the previous survey in 2017 and has improved since 2013.

Customer satisfaction
Illustration EVVA Customer satisfaction

Effect on customer satisfaction and economic impact

According to the survey, the most important criterion for the satisfaction and profitability of our retail partners is the quality/longevity of the products. The quality of our mechanical locking systems, for example, was rated by our partners at 1.4 and the degree of innovation also at 1.4 (on a four-point scale), the best result in the survey (more under Quality and Permanent innovation).

Sales employees are in constant contact with customers at all EVVA locations to discuss and address the reasons for success as well as any problems. EVVA also offers its partners:

Photo of an EVVA Golden Event location

  • events spanning multiple locations ("Golden Events" and "Sales Excellence") in which prominent experts and presenters pass on valuable product and sales experiences to regional EVVA partners
  • variety of decoration and information materials to attractively equip your specialist security stores intended to appeal to end customers.
  • open days at EVVA headquarters, themed tours, etc.

In addition to these direct influencing factors, there are many indirect ones that affect the economics of our business partners and their regional economy, such as training and further education courses offered by EVVA. More information can be found under Promoting regional business and EVVA Academy.

Establishing sustainability

In our opinion, the sustainability topic has not yet received the attention it deserves in the security industry. EVVA therefore also includes sustainability topics in the quantitative surveys in order to further raise awareness. Partners are also regularly informed about sustainability via the EVVA newsletter.


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Fri: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm

+44 203 007 6060
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