Sustainability starts at school Dialogues with schülerInnen.gestalten.wandel and other initiatives
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GRI 203: Indirect economic impact UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), No. 4: High-quality education; No. 17: Partnerships for meeting the goals

It cannot start soon enough

The goal of our society must be to anchor sustainable thinking and behaviour early in a person's life. Then it becomes second nature and not something that an adult must "learn".

EVVA has been cooperating with associations and schools for many years in order to teach children and young people about sustainable projects in a practical way, e.g.:

    Photo of students visiting EVVA owner Nicole Ehröich-Adám
    Job shadowing: students from Vienna Business School learn everything they want to know from EVVA owner Nicole Ehrlich-Adám
    Initiative schülerInnen.gestalten.wandel
    (, which brings sustainability to school classes. It involves pupils as equal partners in the discussion with companies and the public and coordinates the exchange of ideas. EVVA Wien has been a partner of schülerInnen.gestalten.wandel since 2014 and has invited school classes for company tours and CSR dialogues every year since then (see main photo). For many young people, the often vague term "sustainability" thus takes on life and meaning
  • Job shadowing
    Students accompany the management for a few hours and experience what the professional world feels like in real life – for example by participating in staff events, talking about the challenges of a CEO or taking exclusive tours of the company.

Selection of further events of the last years

Photo of students from the Krems University of Applied Sciences

  • EVVA welcomes children to the Meidlinger Ferienspiel (holiday play) in Vienna almost every year, and offers age-appropriate and entertaining tours of the company
  • EVVA was a course partner of the "Environmental and Sustainability Management" master's course at Krems University of Applied Sciences



Photo EVVA Family DayEVVA Family Days in Krefeld, Leipzig, Vienna (2017 honoured with the WEKA Industrie Medien Event Award): In the participation stations, the children and guests of the employees were able to learn about the topic of sustainability and the SDGs of the UN in a vivid way (e.g. via the SDG video especially for children, via guided tours of the Clean Production machines or by a DIY assembly of a simple cylinder).


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Fri: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm

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