Railway stations | AirportsRailway stations and airports are dominated by several different streams of people. Master key systems are also responsible for making sure these masses are safely guided through facilities. Emergency exits, engineering facilities, staff access, lifts, sales units, and many more elements must be assigned a clear authorisation structure. EVVA knows how.
Your requirements:
- Tampering protection Because the security of thousands of people is at risk every day
- Continuous logging of all entry and exit events Because we need to know who accessed which facility at which time
- Fail-safe operation Because fail-safe operation is paramount to you
- Flexible authorisation assignment Because you need efficient management
Our solution:
Mechanical 4KS and MCS access systems
- Resistant and robust
- Durable and maintenance-free
- Reliably locks, even if components are only used very rarely
The electronic Xesar access system
- Xesar combi keys for mixed systems (mechanical and electronic locking systems)
- Simple multi-user management with user roles
- Ample door component selection
- Compatibility with interfaces
- Door monitoring with remote operation


Master key systems
EVVA is also a genuine master key system professional able to tackle any levels of complexity in terms of organisational structures and to implement them within the corresponding master key system.
Find out more about our master key systems
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