Helping the most vulnerable members in our society
Children need a safe future; as a family business, protecting the most vulnerable members of our society is particularly close to our hearts. Every year, the company and its employees donate to the "möwe Child Protection Centers". The organisation helps abused children with care and free therapies. For us, it is an investment in the future of our society.
Since 2010, EVVA has been supporting the möwe with:
- Fundraising activities by the management team
- Proceeds from the internal IT flea market
- Prize money from won awards
- Proceeds from the charity bar at the EVVA Christmas parties
- Fundraising activities as part of running events
- Sales proceeds from cookbooks designed by the employees themselves
In recent years, over 62,000 euros have been collected in this way. In 2022, an additional 5,000 euros were added, which directly benefit the initiatives of the möwe. "There are many valuable social challenges one can address. We have decided to help those who cannot yet help themselves - the children," summarise EVVA owners Nicole and Stefan Ehrlich-Adám.
Further social support from EVVA:
Ukraine. EVVA is in ongoing contact with its trading partners in the war zones and supports Doctors Without Borders, Nachbar in Not (Neighbour in Need), Caritas and Volkshilfe with financial donations as well as free meals in refugee shelters.
Committed employees also regularly organise aid initiatives at EVVA. The donations collections are very successful: the material donations provided by our employees such as clothing, baby food, sleeping bags, warm blankets, lamps, kettles, etc. are delivered directly to charitable collection points (see photo). They help alleviate the immediate need of war refugees and the disadvantaged.
- "Nachbarinnen" (Neighbours) is an association founded in 2013 that supports migrants and promotes their education. Many of them find their first job there and a way out of isolation and dependence. The families supported by Nachbarinnen are required to take specific measures to enable their own integration. Nachbarinnen has already coordinated around 17,000 learning hours and many hundreds of children have taken advantage of the learning assistance so far. EVVA has committed to providing learning assistance for 20 children. In 2022, approximately 15,000 euros were raised.
- Wings for Life. Every year, EVVA employees from all international locations participate in the Wings for Life World Run - with an increasing number of participants. EVVA covers the entry fees, which benefit the goal of this global running event: to cure paraplegia. Together with its employees, EVVA also donates additional funds to this cause.
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