Vienna trade fair

Product: 4KS
Size: > 500 units
Facility type: Kultur & Freizeit
Country: Austria

In addition to trade fair employees, external staff, such as trade fair designers, lighting specialists or catering teams also require controlled access to various areas. This type of overlapping access authorisations is not a problem with the 3KS system (corresponds to the new 3KSplus). 3KS provides in excess of 30 trillion key variations and is therefore pre-destined for large systems: MessezentrumWienNeu is equipped with 2,630 cylinders. The springless functionality makes 3KS particularly safe – moving locking sliders are lifted by the curve key cuts on the keys. As a result, it is impossible to open the door using conventional, illegal lock-picking methods to guarantee maximum protection from unauthorized access. This was a crucial criterion to opt for an EVVA security concept. However, convenience was also important: 3KS is designed as a handy reversible key.

This object was realised with the locking system 3KSplus, which corresponds to today's 4KS locking system.


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Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm

+44 203 007 6060
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