Vienna airport, Skylink and overall locking system

Product: MCS
Size: > 500 units
Facility type: Infrastruktur
Country: Austria

Airports and facilities of this size require the highest degree of building security. To all intents and purposes the infrastructure could be compared with that of a small town. EVVA already equipped all buildings at the airport with the MCS locking system and its trail-blazing magnet technology guarantees unparalleled security. The greatest challenge in terms of equipping the most recent terminal was to plan the submaster keys accordingly. Alterations to the facility usage plan were made up to the last minute and hence it was a challenging task which EVVA mastered with flying colours thanks to the MCS locking system.


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Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm

+44 203 007 6060
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