
Product: EPS
Size: > 500 units
Facility type: Wohnhausanlagen
Country: Denmark

Skibbroen is an apartment complex located in central Copenhagen and provides the residents with excellent shopping opportunities, a walk along the harbor and transportation to the inner city by metro. The building consists of two angular buildings, each six to eight floors containing 184 flats in total, with an incredible view of the water and harbor. All these features have made it one of the most desired buildings in Copenhagen.  

The building had high security requirements, which is why the EVVA EPS locking system with a long patent life was chosen by the owners. EPS offers additional to the patent, an overlapped key profile against and secure elements against picking as well as different security levels thanks to the additional side bar and negative control element. These attributes are very beneficial to a high-profile building such as Skibbroen. 

The local EVVA Partner Bagger Låse & Alarm A/S was in charge of the solution, which met all the security requirements for the building manager, and exceeded the expectations of the residents and project managers. More information on the company Bagger Låse & Alarm A/S can be found here.


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