Indoor Velodrome Sports Centre
Product: | EPS |
Size: | 101-500 units |
Facility type: | Kultur & Freizeit |
Country: | Hong Kong SAR of China |
The HKV provides a 250-metre, oval wooden track and space for up to 3,000 spectators. On an area covering 5.3 hectares, the facility additionally houses leisure-time facilities that are very popular amongst the local population to spend breaks from hectic city life. Consequently, the HKV merges a cycling track that meets international competitive standards and top-level training facilities with leisure-time facilities for the public. Strict international requirements also contributed towards the decision to opt for first-choice security made by EVVA for the locking system at the Hong Kong Velodrome. EVVA's partner Tung Fat Ho Building Material developed a complete solution for a host of user areas and access authorisations. The vast challenge of this project was to guarantee the emergency evacuation of 3,000 spectators within the budget specifications. EVVA was able to cover any door requirements thanks to the ample range of different EPS system cylinder types, featuring cylinders meeting the EN1303 standard in the highest class of resistance. The EPS system convinces with security elements, such as drilling and plug pulling protection, additional side coding on keys and negative scanning. Users at Hong Kong Velodrome are extremely happy with the excellent support by the local EVVA Partner and the security of the new EVVA locking system.
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