4KS master key system now with VARIO Option
News | 24. July 2023.Doors must also be lockable during the construction phase. When an apartment is handed over, this locking authorisation needs to be revoked without having to change the cylinder.
The VARIO system makes this possible
During the construction phase, apartments are locked by the superordinate CK construction key. When the apartment cylinder is locked for the first time with the individual key of the new owner or tenant, the CK construction key is then deactivated. It is not possible to retroactively reset the apartment cylinder for the CK construction key! This ensures that only individual key owners are authorised to unlock it. The owner/tenant can therefore decide for themselves how long professionals with the 'CK key' can still go into the apartment after handover.
Construction key becomes the property manager key
The CK construction key can then only lock central cylinders. In this way, it assumes the role of a key for the property manager.
Important for project planning
› In the lock chart, cylinders must be labelled with the Vario system option and the construction keys must be labelled with ‘CK’.
› An additional charge for the VARIO system option applies to apartment cylinders.
The VARIO system option for the 4KS master key system is available since April 2023.
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