Innovation and responsibility
Press | 01. June 2021.As a leading manufacturer of mechanical and electronic access systems in Europe - and as an industrial company in the middle of a large city - EVVA has always been committed to combining industry and sustainability. EVVA’s newly published sustainability report shows just how many different levers the family-owned company has set in motion for this.
EVVA’s vision expressed in one sentence: Take responsibility for your own actions - economically, ecologically and socially. For EVVA, CSR is more than just image, it is a necessity. Technological cutting-edge companies in particular must strive to remain as sustainable as possible. This means taking environmental protection into account in all strategies, combining production and sustainability, exchanging ideas with stakeholders and securing jobs through careful corporate management. Responsibility that is more important than ever during a global pandemic - and which EVVA has been living by for decades as a pioneer of sustainable corporate management. One impressive proof and recognition for this was certainly EVVA’s award for "Green Factory" in 2020, an award presented by Fraunhofer Austria and the industry magazine for the most sustainable factory in Austria.
Read the EVVA sustainability report online
This award marks the path taken towards achieving EVVA’s ambitious goals. The current EVVA sustainability report shows which goals this Austrian leading company in the area of sustainability is striving for in the coming years and which economic, ecological and social projects and measures EVVA is implementing for this purpose - no longer on paper, but exclusively digitally on the EVVA website. Thanks to its modular structure, the report can also be read based on personal interests and enquiries can be answered in a clear and targeted manner using the corresponding links. Keyword: sustainability issues: The range is extremely diverse with 29 different topics and a wide variety of projects, with some extracts for illustration purposes.
Focus on clean production
EVVA is constantly pushing for oil and water-free production of its products and has now achieved a quota of 65%. EVVA has already achieved 100% in the area of metal shavings recycling: All shavings are fed back into the production cycle. EVVA has already received numerous awards for its diverse clean production measures, such as the City of Vienna’s Environmental Award, the TRIGOS Award and the ÖKOPROFIT Award for first-class environmental management.
Energy consumption from photovoltaics
With one of the largest photovoltaic systems for private consumption in Vienna (since the PV installation in 2014), EVVA has already produced one million kWh of clean solar energy - that’s as much as 40 single-family home PV systems. EVVA can maintain its base load in the event of a power failure. Plus: As part of the new building at the Wienerberg site, not only will the existing photovoltaic system be expanded, but EVVA is also planning to introduce a central digital building management system (BMS) with corresponding positive effects on energy consumption and emission reduction. This year’s addition to the headquarters will also include a concrete core activation for optimal and resource-conserving heating and cooling.
Low staff turnover at the EVVA family-run business
EVVA has always remained a family-run business throughout its long history and a reliable employer even in turbulent phases or in times of increasing digitalisation. Employee satisfaction with the company is traditionally high. Plus: Thanks to low staff turnover, the company retains the diverse expertise that is the hallmark of a specialist like EVVA.
All in all, EVVA is ideally positioned to continue shaping the future in an innovative and responsible manner. The EVVA sustainability report is now online at EVVA sustainability report | EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH. It is continuously updated and is also available on the EVVA subsidiaries’ websites in English.
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