Saarländische Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie (SKFP) [Saarland Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry]

Product: MCS
Size: > 500 units
Facility type: Gesundheitswesen
Country: Germany

The new building for the Saarländische Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie (SKFP) comprises three high-security wards for a total of 60 patients. Patient rooms should have a high level of safety for patients. In order to comply with this level of security, the MCS locking system, which is completely uncopyable, was considered. Full protection against copying and the almost impossible unauthorised opening of the MCS convinced project planners and decision-makers. Another important factor was the versatile use of MCS, such as the knob cylinder with SOS function, the thumb turn cylinder for lifts, lever cylinders or furniture locks. 

EVVA impressed! Equipment of the existing buildings and further extension have been agreed. In addition, a combination with the Xesar electronic locking system is currently being discussed for some areas.


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Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm

+43 1 811 65-0
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