Rahlstedt Arkaden, Hamburg

Product: EPS
Size: > 500 units
Facility type: Groß- & Einzelhandel
Country: Germany

The shopping centre includes over 50 different retail units in various sizes which is why the required locking system had to cater to a host of user groups and access authorisations. EVVA convinced with specialist support and the EPS locking system. The new EPS locking system in its six-pin variant with patented, multiple and overlapping key profiles as well as integrated tampering control meets all security requirements at Rahlstedt Arkaden.


We are here for you
Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm

+43 1 811 65-0
Use the contact form or directly write to us at