amRietpark residential development

Product: Xesar , 4KS
Size: 101-500 units
Facility type: Wohnhausanlagen
Country: Switzerland

Living, shopping, indulging, working, strolling, experiencing: the residential development am Rietpark brings together all of this and much more to form a unique and secure location, which offers a high standard of security in access technology thanks to Xesar and 4KS. amRietpark is situated directly beside Schlieren train station. Approximately 1200 4KS cylinders, 1700 combi keys, 80 Xesar cylinders and 55 Xesar wall readers – two of which are online wall readers  – were installed there. The locking system is managed by the DBU administrative department and the Tertianum retirement and care centre, which is leased for 30 years. Supported by an experienced EVVA key account manager, the electronic Xesar system was installed in all publicly accessible areas by VIP Security from Chur. The security specialist UTO Sicherheitstechnik from Zurich took care of the mechanical 4KS master key system that is very complex due to the layout of the buildings. Construction was managed by Arcanus AG. Due to the forward-looking planning and the perfectly matched combination of the two systems, a good all-round solution was found for convenient access, but also for the convenient management of the varied access situations.


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Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm

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