Trust counts
News | 08. August 2019.Sixty years in the security industry – what is the secret behind this success story?
Even back then, my father and then I always believed in one thing: Profits must be invested in the company. That includes everything from materials to ongoing staff training, the office equipment and vehicle fleet. Good performance requires a good basis.
Is that what also led you to EVVA?
My father worked with EVVA from the beginning. I would go so far as to describe the Viennese company as our main supplier. We have formed quite a special relationship of trust over six decades.
What's important to you in this decades-long partnership?
For me, trust is the most important. And with EVVA I know that everything is okay, because the staff and especially management are always there. But they are also prepared to try out new things and work on new developments together.
What do you think the future holds for your sector?
I don't see that there's any way of avoiding electronics, but I'm not sure that I can predict exactly how the future will look because would have guessed ten years ago that smartphones would bring about such a change? I'm excited to see what kind of new developments smartphones will bring us.
How do you unwind after work?
Exercise is essential for me. In winter I go on skiing trips and in summer I go running. No marathons, mind you, but very long ultra trails. The best run I've done so far was up Mont Blanc: 170 kilometres and an altitude of 10,000 metres in just under 40 hours. That really makes you forget about work.
Partner Profile
Gogl Schlüssel GmbH, headquarters in Innsbruck
Established by Hansjörg Gogl in 1958
Since 1984 Hansjörg Gogl has run the company with a staff of 12.
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