EVVA is amongst Europe's leading manufacturers for mechanical and electronic locking systems

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The Akura 44 Hybrid Cylinder

Electronics on the outside and mechanics on the inside, or vice versa?

The hybrid cylinder makes it possible and can now also be combined with Akura 44. In other words: all the advantages of an electronic locking system combined with the new flexible mechanical access system Akura 44. The connecting element here is the combi key.

Vienna Airport relies on MCS

Learn more in our video

Project: Vienna International Airport
Product: MCS
Building type: Infrastructure facilities
Country: Austria

All references

News from the world of EVVA

This is what EVVA stands for


EVVA is a family business that passionately develops and produces innovative mechanical and electronic locking systems for each individual security need. Based in the heart of Europe and operating globally, we are highly skilled, driven and completely focused on our customers.

Locking systems for all sectors EVVA locking systems are characterised by sector-specific solutions.
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Residential complexes

Shared living spaces are all the rage in modern residential living: a rooftop swimming pool or meditation space in the basement. In a combined master key system electronic components are used for shared spaces and mechanical components in access doors to property. Consequently, residents benefit from increased convenience and operators spend less time on managing the master key system. EVVA knows how.

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Railway stations and airports are dominated by vast streams of people. Master key systems are also responsible for making sure these masses are safely guided through facilities. Emergency exits, engineering facilities, staff access, lifts, sales units, and many more elements must be assigned a clear authorisation structure. EVVA knows how.

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Educational facilities

Schools are busy places where teachers, students, parents, cleaning staff, etc. come together. However, schools are also used for many other purposes: music lessons are held in the afternoons and in the evenings local clubs use the sports facilities. Organising security raises many questions. EVVA has the answers.

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Offices and administrative facilities

Not every employee must have access to every area, but all employees must be able to lock the main entrance using their office key? It takes major organisation to handle the process every time a key is lost? Then trust EVVA, the master key system professionals.

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Cultural/leisure time facilities

Imagine a stadium with thousands of people suddenly requiring
evacuation. Imagine the many coaches, engineers, greenkeepers and cleaning staff that access facilities each day. A major organisational challenge for a security system. Good that EVVA delivers clever solutions.

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Industry and trade

You need to break an egg to make an omelette. Dust and dirt can significantly affect lock cylinders. For this reason, you need durable components to withstand the harsh conditions. Changing production processes and subsequent annexes also demand an access system with excellent calculation features. These situations require professionals' profound expertise. Good you have come to EVVA.

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Hotels and catering

Guests with stringent demands in terms of convenience and security. Frequently changing staff depending on the season. These are the framework conditions in the hotel and catering trade. In this context, an access solution must not only be secure, but also convenient and flexible. Good that EVVA can combine mechanical locking component products and electronic locking component products within one locking system. 

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Residential properties

Access to back door gate, front door, garage and the letter box using just one key. A simple task with an EVVA master key system. That's not only functional, but also saves costs. EVVA also offers numerous supplementary security devices to increase the burglary protection. Your EVVA Partner is happy to help.

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Wholesale and retail

Many branches, changing tenants, cleaning and security staff, engineers plus customers that go in and out each day, merged with a dynamic layout including room for extensions to buildings should business be doing well. All this requires a dynamic security solution. Good that EVVA can combine mechnical locking component products and electronic locking component products within one locking system.

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Health care facilities

Hospitals are places patients, visitors, staff and facility service teams move around every day. Annexes and extensions, restructuring measures and maximum security demands must also be taken into account by a locking system. How does this work? EVVA has the answers.

Customers & projects

Here is a selection of successful projects.

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Fri: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm

+43 1 811 65-0
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