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Alarmsystem mit einer AirKey-Steuerung ein, das den berechtigten Nutzern ermöglicht, den Alarm abzustellen und das Gebäude zu betreten. Angesichts des enormen Potenzials des AirKey-Systems wurde mit dem [...] einzigen elektronischen Schlüssel. Das Projekt beinhaltet die Installation von 55 AirKey-Wandlesern, die von rund 600 AirKey-Identmedien verwaltet werden. [...] garantiert! Außer für die Steuerung der U.S.-Türen in den Untergeschossen und der Aufzüge wurde das AirKey-Zugangskontrollsystem auch für alle Gemeinschaftsbereiche von POMAseiuno wie Fitnesszone, Bespre


jogging, movies. I prefer Comedy. Do you have a favourite EVVA system and why? My favorite is AirKey. AirKey is very flexible and most fascinating. What gives you a sense of security? My family. My kids

mobile solution Implementation : Entrich Product : AirKey Facility category : Food chain with multiple locations Country : Austria AirKey at a glance Send keys to smartphones via the Internet Also suitable [...] came to us and described what they wanted. I knew immediately that AirKey was the right solution." And the smartphone locks everything AirKey satisfies all of the requirements: it is flexible. The employees [...] & The LaLa takeaway restaurant will open in the newly designed Terminal 2. Flexibility is a must. AirKey offers it. But how do you implement the required flexibility in the numerous stores? It was a coincidence


was supposed to be integrated into NEW-owned IT. No problem for EVVA! After all, AirKey has an API interface, the AirKeyCloud Interface. Other special requirements included easy app installation and simple [...] “Everything with a smartphone”. THE PROJECT IN DETAIL Electronic locking system: AirKey Quantity: 216 wall readers, 616 AirKey cylinders Used by 2,000 smartphones , mainly Android, but also iOS supported 300 [...] size: a total of 216 wall readers and 616 AirKey cylinders were installed for the 2,000 smartphones of employees as well as 300 identification media in the form of key tags – all within an ambitious time frame

McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Parndorf Product : AirKey in conjunction with 4KS mechanical access system Facility type : Retail Location : Austria AirKey projects [...] EVVA installed the 595 AirKey cylinders required and an additional 349 mechanical cylinders in the Designer Outlet Parndorf within six weeks. A total of 1,787 ID media and keys have been issued to date [...] suppliers – and only these doors. An excellent reputation and numerous award-winning and international AirKey projects have led to a cooperation with EVVA. Optimal solution for complex requirements The project’s


Er erkundigte sich nach elektronischen Schließsystemen und stieß auf AirKey, das ihn gleich überzeugte. Mit dem verbauten AirKey-Zylinder kann er nun online Zutritte verwalten, d.h. auch temporär erteilen [...] erteilen und entziehen. Die perfekte Ergänzung für seine Airbnb-Wohnung. AirKey spart Zeit und Geld „Der Kunde erspart sich außerdem das lästige nachmachen von verloren gegangenen Schlüsseln, per Knopfdruck

libere), anche con lo smartphone autorizzato tenuto in tasca. I report di AirKey Con i dati offerti dalle statistiche di accesso di AirKey ed il loro incrocio con il registro elettronico dei visitatori/doce [...] con tutte le difficoltà connesse alla loro gestione e non ultimo anche alla loro perdita. La scelta AirKey di EVVA consente di inviare le chiavi direttamente sugli smartphone degli utenti , evitando tutti [...] L'utilizzo alternativo due tecnologie di identificazione BLE (Bluetooth™) ed NFC consente di utilizzare AirKey sia con gli smartphone Android che iOS . In alternativa è possibile utilizzare anche dei supporti

individual car complements the services provided by Vogl & Co. A personalised rental vehicle thanks to AirKey Together with EVVA, Vogl & Co devised a customer-friendly and flexible method of renting a vehicle [...] driving experience. Each model can be booked for a period to be determined by the individual. Thanks to AirKey, the parking garage access data is sent directly to the customer’s mobile phone; another mobile phone [...] not afraid of contact with electronic access control systems from EVVA: "We have already deployed AirKey in several areas. All our access control systems are centrally lockable. It is a tried and tested


entwickelt, damit der AirKey-Zylinder noch wasserdichter ist. Mit meinem AirKey-Dicht-Set, das ich entwickelt habe und auch zusätzlich verkaufe. Was haben die Kunden davon? Obwohl AirKey sehr einfach in der [...] ei – AirKey, Erweiterung auf 65 Filialen in Planung › Gemeinde – AirKey, aktuell Gemeindeamt, Erweiterung auf Schützenverein, Feuerwehr und Kindergarten in Planung › Businesscenter Krems – AirKey › VS [...] Bei mir kann der Kunde immer anrufen. Zudem habe ich mit der EVVA-Elektronik den großen Vorteil der KeyCredits. Ganz wichtig ist für mich auch die passende Betreuung durch den Außendienst von EVVA. Thomas

system Product: AirKey, Xesar & EPS Facility category: Residential building Country: Austria Implementation: EVVA & ES security technology , Mr Erwin Stummerer Scope: 18 AirKey cylinders, 4 AirKey wall readers [...] flexible master key system One component of the project is the EVVA master key system. The Xesar, AirKey and EPS access systems were combined here. The result is a tailormade master key system that offers [...] aspect of living in a pioneering way. The project also combines three EVVA access systems: Xesar , AirKey and EPS . The climate-friendly and resourceefficient residential construction project in the Penzing