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tes zu EVVA und EMZY. Es werden auch die Unterschiede und Kombinationsmöglichkeiten von EMZY und AirKey besprochen und in welchen Projekten welche Lösung am sinnvollsten ist. Lesen Sie mehr zum EMZY Viel

Xesar und AirKey -Zylinder gibt es ab sofort in der Projektverpackung fertig montiert und einsatzbereit. Die Bestellung einer Projektverpackung ist bereits ab zwei Stück möglich. Schreiben Sie bei der

was developed in-house. In 2012 the cooperation with Salto ended. With the development of Xesar and AirKey, EVVA was once again able to invent and utilise electronic security solutions that met the company's

after several years of collaborative development work: Xesar for major access control systems and AirKey for smaller or distributed sites that can also be accessed using a smartphone.


It was looking for a way to securely lock the area and simultaneously log access events. AirKey was best able to satisfy the required system properties. Integrating the roughly 300 members into the access


It was looking for a way to securely lock the building and simultaneously log the access events. AirKey was best able to satisfy the required system properties. Integrating the employees into the access


Erfolgsgeschichte von Xesar und AirKey mit auf den Markt gebracht wurde: Es ist das damit verbundene innovative Geschäftsmodell: die KeyCredits. Denn bei Xesar und AirKey entstehen Kosten – so wie in der [...] zu bieten.“ So bietet AirKey als flexibles und damit für stark verteilte Anlagen sehr gut geeignetes System schon heute die Möglichkeit, Ortsdaten zu erfassen und mit der Send a Key-Funktion nutzerorientiert [...] europaweite Marktbearbeitung mit der eigenen Elektronik-Sparte die Innovationskraft von EVVA – Xesar und AirKey sind seit Jahren etablierte und bis heute einzigartige Lösungen für die Herausforderungen globaler

electronic AirKey access system The smartphone is the key Send keys via the Internet Quickly assigning and deleting access authorisations The electronic Xesar access system Xesar combi keys for mixed systems [...] be absolutely secure Flexible key assignment Because you coordinate community nurses looking after a changing pool of patients and prefer not to have to deal with complex key management processes Organised [...] selection Compatibility with interfaces Door monitoring with remote operation Master key systems EVVA is also a genuine master key system professional able to tackle any levels of complexity in terms of organisational

results The electronic AirKey access system The smartphone is the key Send keys via the Internet Component sharing and multi administration The electronic Xesar access system Xesar combi keys for mixed systems [...] Compatibility with interfaces Door monitoring with remote operation References Master key systems EVVA is also a genuine master key system professional able to tackle any levels of complexity in terms of organisational [...] organisational structures and to implement them within the corresponding master key system. Find out more about our master key systems


banks The electronic AirKey access system The smartphone is the key Send keys via the Internet Component sharing and multi administration The electronic Xesar access system Xesar combi keys for mixed systems [...] emergency exit doors using only one system Optimum key copying protection Because you want to be able to rely on organisational, technical or technological key protection 100% copying protection Because valuables [...] selection Compatibility with interfaces Door monitoring with remote operation Master key systems EVVA is also a genuine master key system professional able to tackle any levels of complexity in terms of organisational